Spring Special: A FREE INSERT! Add your favorite pillow cover to your cart, checkout, and a free insert will be shipped with it! (While supplies last & excludes extra large statement lumbars)


I had a major realization this week.

I had a major realization this week.

My realization- Yellow Bird Textile Co. is now officially my full time job.

Let me take you back a few years…

I left my job when my daughter was born because childcare costs in the city were going to be outrageous. Although I loved what I was doing, it wasn’t worth the little bit of extra money I’d have left over after childcare. We became a family of three and were lucky enough (and very strategic with budgets, etc.) to make things work so I could stay home and raise the sweet little human that had just entered our lives. I really don’t remember thinking too far into the future. I think I just assumed that I’d eventually go back to work. At the time though, we just needed to do what was right for us in the moment and we’d figure out the next step later. 

I quickly realized that going back to work would be a tricky endeavor. With no family or support locally (all our families are super supportive but live at least a day’s drive away!), how were we going to navigate sick days, no school days, early release days, and the summer. How were we going to make this work? I needed something flexible. 

Looking back, being an entrepreneur was always something that had come naturally to me. Over the years, if I wasn’t drawing something or making something for someone, I was working on my old etsy shop or my blog. There was always that little spark inside that pushed me to create. 

My daughter was a couple years old when I really started dreaming up what the future might look like. I knew I wanted to be fulfilled creatively and I knew I wanted to share my love for handmade items and the slow, intentional lifestyle those items represent. I wanted to bring joy into people’s lives by doing what I knew best- textiles and color. 

Yellow Bird didn’t just all of a sudden happen. 

It was a slow process to actually see this business come into fruition. I started and then stopped for a bit to regroup and reexamine how I designed and made my pillows. I let things simmer for a few months and then I started back up again with a style that fit who I was better. I took a long time off in 2020 after my dad passed away. When I felt like creating again, I picked up where I left off and finally started to see things falling neatly into place, as if it were always meant to happen this way.

That little baby of mine is no longer a little baby and she started full time elementary school this week. So after a few years of weaving and sewing in small 15-30 minutes increments or on the weekends, Yellow Bird will get the attention it needs and deserves. I’ll be working on building up my online shop, looking into seeing more of you in person at pop ups or markets, and continuing to grow as an artist and maker. 

It was such a milestone moment when I realized that not only would our family be moving to the next season of life as my daughter started school for the first time, but I would also be moving into the next phase of my creative life as well. 

Seeing the seeds I planted so long ago start to sprout and grow has been an incredible experience so far and I can’t wait to watch it continue to bloom.

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