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The Original Yellow Bird

The Original Yellow Bird

A yellow felt bird hangs in my daughter’s room along with a pink bird and a blue bird. They used to hang above her crib and when she was a toddler, they quickly became a part of her bedtime routine. Every night she would say goodnight to each bird and my husband and I would take turns ‘talking’ the birds. She would say goodnight to pink bird and it would sweetly sing back to her. She would say goodnight to blue bird and it would softly tweet back to her. And then it was Yellow Bird’s turn...Yellow Bird was a bit of a wild card. You never knew how he was going to respond. He sang crazy, he squawked through songs and good nights and made us laugh sooooo hard every night.

Yellow Bird was one of a kind. He sang loud and was proud of who he was. Yellow Bird was confident and crazy and fun. No matter what kind of day we had, we could count on Yellow Bird to help it end in laughter and 100% pure joy.

When I was starting this labor of love, it had to have a name that meant something to me. Yellow Bird had all of the character traits I wanted to see in my weavings (and maybe in myself?!)- confident, fun, proud, brings joy to people’s lives...

I hope my weavings and pillow covers (or even just the pretty photos as you scroll through Instagram!) bring as much warmth and love and color to your life as the original Yellow Bird has brought to mine.

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